Whether you want to save for your child's education, or are trying to figure out a plan for retirement, I am here to help.
LIRA's and RRSP's and RESP's- Oh my! The acronym's in the financial world are never ending. Let me break it down for you, and take your investments to the next level.
We all have to start somewhere. If you have $50/month, it's time to build the habit and save for the future. It's a myth that you have to be a millionaire to start investing!
A registered education savings plan is a great way to invest in your child's future. Take advantage of government grant money, all the while saving for their education.

Why you should do it
$1404.75. That is the monthly retirement benefit paid to Debra, a 66 year old retiree, by the government of Canada every month.
Now she has to pay rent of $800/month, groceries at $400, and her medication which costs her approximately $120/month. Grand total left over- $85. No funds left over to go and visit her grandchildren, take a vacation, even get her hair done. And the cost of living is rising at a higher pace than her retirement what will this mean in the near future...back to work. So she can afford to keep a roof over her head and food on the table in her golden years.
Investing throughout her working years would have been life changing for Debra. And why you need to start now.
Who I Help
Financial literacy is one thing that is not taught well (or at all!) in our school system. I'm here to help you understand all those things they should have taught, in a way you'll understand. What is an RRSP or a TFSA and which should I use? How can I make retirement a reality? How can I pass on the family farm, and still afford to retire? If these, or any other questions around investing come to mind, you've come to the right place.
How I Do It
A personal financial plan is just that- personal. I look at the full picture, from your life phase, annual income, current investments, to what you want your life to look like in the future. I take into account your current assets, any succession plan that is in the works, as well as what you can afford to invest monthly. And then we put it all together and create your financial future. I'm here to be your personal financial planner and am with you through every season, from graduation to retirement.
What's in It for You
I have never met anyone who has said "I wish I hadn't saved so much money." However, I have met many retirees and near retirees, who regret not having thought about retirement sooner in life. If you want to retire one day, and not have to stress about outliving your money, or just begin to invest so you don't feel like you are completely living paycheque to paycheque, reaching out to Epp Financial is what you need to do.